International Youth Art & Science Contest
Under the theme of “Humanity as observer and listener of the cosmos”, the REINFORCE International Youth Art Contest focuses on the concepts of fundamental physics, such as space, time and the nature and structure of the Universe. To be eligible for the contest, artwork must represent humanity:
- Observing space and more generally nature, through a multitude of senses, from vision to sound and touch.
- Discovering the embedding of our research ( in the Universe, including the environment around us.
- Wondering on the nature of space, time and matter.
Youth artwork serves as cross-reflection between young artists and scientists
The winning entry will be presented during the 2022 European Researchers’ Night events at the European Gravitational Observatory. All finalists will be given the opportunity to participate in a virtual tour of the Observatory and the detector. Those able to visit the site for the occasion will have the chance to undertake the tour in person! All participants will receive a REINFORCE Youth Artist certificate. Artwork from the winner and the other finalists (there will be a minimum of 3 finalists) will be published on the Platform for Artistic Intervention created on the Project website and shared across REINFORCE and EGO-VIRGO channels.
The artwork will be free to share under the condition of use that credit will be given to the youth artist wherever the work will be used either in text or tagging in social channels. By submitting your work to: you agree to grant REINFORCE and anyone who wants to share your work, permission to do so.
Please note that for participants who are minors (under 18), the artwork must be submitted by their legal parents or guardians (please provide: first name, last name and email address of at least one legal parent or guardian along with the name and age of the young artist).
We are seeking artwork from kids aged 12-18 and all contestants have until 15 September, 2022 to submit their work.
Artwork winner for 4/12 age bracket

Finalist for 4/12 age bracket
Finalist for 4/12 age bracket
Artwork winner for 12/18 age bracket
Finalist for 12/18 age bracket
Finalist for 12/18 age bracket